With Rubio Dictating The Mistakes!!
{UPDATED For: Tuesday, May 21, 2019}
As you can see from the date in the lower-left of the above graphic, it was way back on January 23rd, 2019, when President Trump recognized Juan Guaido as Venezuela's new President. Considering the dire economic and political chaos in Venezuela, it was anticipated that Trump's Venezuela regime-change would only take a day or two.

In the closing days of May, 2019, Trump's man Guaido is still trying to replace the embattled Maduro as President of Venezuela. The USA's past history of bloody, self-serving regime-changes from 1953 till the mid-1970s still rankle all of Latin America but only Trump's stupidity has prevented or at least prolonged the U.S.-friendly takeover in troubled Venezuela.

The top man at the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, is the type diplomat that should oversee any regime-change in Venezuela or any other nation, not some opposition group or some self-serving foreign country. Mr. Guterres still cringes when he thinks about the 1973 coup that Nixon-Kissinger engineered in Chile replacing the killed Democratically elected President Salvador Allende for 17 bloody years with the murderous but U.S.-friendly Pinochet dictatorship. For sure, Mr. Guterres doesn't want Trump right-wingers in Venezuela to replicate what Nixon-Kissinger so shamefully did in Chile. Yet, the wise Mr. Guterres believes that an honest broker BUT NOT ANOTHER REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION IN WASHINGTON should diplomatically help resolve the dire situation in Venezuela.

Therefore, as an expert on Latin American history, the top man at the UN, Antonio Guterres, does not think that the USA has the credentials or the right to name Juan Guaido as Venezuela's President. In his official statement above, fully aware of Venezuela's problems, Antonio Guterres says, "Maduro is the only legal president of Venezuela." That was meant to shut Trump up but, of course, Trump has a veto in the UN and Trump is Commander-in-Chief of the world's strongest military.

The stupidest, most gutless thing President Trump has done was to anoint Marco Rubio as the USA's Cuban dictator. Viewing his 2020 reelection, Trump is convinced he needs Little Havana's support to secure Florida's huge passel of electoral votes. But Rubio, promoted as Little Havana's choirboy, is only "Little Marco" just as Trump designated him back during the Republican 2016 primary.
After Rubio's unceremonious debacle in the 2016 presidential race, he vowed to "quit" even his Little Havana-gifted Senate seat. Unfortunately, he changed his mind and then was gifted a second 6-year term.
So as the USA's Cuban dictator, Rubio also gets to dictate the regime-change in Venezuela because that's his prelude to his Little Havana-invested goal of securing a regime-change in Cuba.
Phone calls from Rubio to Guaido promised Venezuela's opposition leader the regime-change was imminent and unstoppable.
The Rubio trip to the volatile Venezuelan border with Colombia turned out to be more of a joke and a show than a regime-change.
There are far more intelligent anti-Cuban zealots in Little Havana than Rubio, who has and needs his lushly funded publicity team that tries to correct his misdeeds and outright lies. He reached the U. S. Senate saying his parents escaped the Castro tyranny in Cuba when, actually, they fled the Batista tyranny in Cuba. The best investigative journalist in Washington, Ken Silverstein, penned a massive article that begins: "Marco Rubio is head and shoulders above everyone else in Washington when it comes to corruption and chicanery." Take for example, Rubio Tweets like the one above designed to facilitate the regime-change in Venezuela. German Dam is a journalist in Venezuela that Rubio believed was a, uh...real dam. Out of that ignorance, Rubio thought the explosions that caused massive blackouts in Venezuela would end the Maduro presidency.
Uh, there is no German Dam in Venezuela but there is a journalist named German Dam.
Actually, as you can see above, it was the journalist German Dam who corrected Rubio's ignorance regarding the non-existent German Dam in Venezuela. Study the graphic above to ascertain that Rubio is the last person that should orchestrate the political situation in Venezuela or anywhere else.
Uh..."not enough people are making fun of Rubio for thinking German Dam was the name of a dam in Venezuela and not the name of a journalist..." NO KIDDING!! But this is the USA's Cuban dictator who seems intent on gifting his Little Havana/Miami supporters with a regime-change in Cuba...after his regime-change in Venezuela and before his regime-change in Nicaragua. Rubio's goal is not only to eviscerate Revolutionary Cuba but to eliminate Cuba's friends.
The Rubio stamp on America's foreign policy is a tragedy waiting to happen. Incredibly, Rubio figureheads now in ultra-powerful positions include a Who's Who of well-known Cuban Counter Revolutionaries, war-mongers, and/or Latin America's most feared regime-changers -- John Bolton as National Security Adviser, Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State, Mauricio Claver-Carone as Western Hemisphere Chief, Elliott Abrams as Special Envoy to Venezuela, etc., etc., etc.
One of Rubio's smartest quotes.
Hometown journalists who know Rubio best...such as the editors and writers at the Miami-based Progreso Weekly...are aware of what the "TRUMPIFIED MARCO RUBIO" is all about.
While intelligent diplomacy is necessary in Venezuela if the United States is to rise above its past coups/regime changes and play a role, Marco Rubio's ignorant Tweet on Feb. 24-2019, as shown above, warned Venezuelan President Maduro that the bloody Gaddafi model in Libya awaited him. Just as ignorantly, Rubio Tweeted Cuba's new President Miguel Diaz-Canel, "See you soon," meaning right after the regime-change in Venezuela. A Rubio hiding behind the skirts of the world's economic and military superpower while leading the way in spouting off regime-changes makes the United States of America resemble the world's Superpower Bully.

Millions of decent people in Cuba specifically blame Rubio for this photo. It shows an elderly Cuban woman passing her last egg to her friend, the elderly Cuban woman in the next apartment. Rubio, as reported by many U. S. media sources, persuaded Trump to activate Title 3, a genocidal starvation part of the already extremely cruel Helms-Burton Act that not even the Batistiano-aligned George W. Bush presidency would activate as a starvation measure against innocent Cubans. And yes, Title 3 has already caused food shortages in Cuba, including eggs, chicken, rice, etc. Exacerbating the Rubio problem is the fact that this generation of Americans as well as the mainstream U. S. media are apparently too afraid of Little Havana to rein in Rubio.

For example, Trump's unholy collusion with Rubio is far more dangerous than Trump's alleged collusion with Russia or Trump's avowed "love" for the likes of North Korean dictator Kim. Yet, the powerful left-wing U. S. media that devotes most of their efforts to impeaching and imprisoning Trump seems far too afraid to even mention Trump's most ghastly failure, misdeed, or miss-step -- his capitulations, for whatever reasons, to Rubio. When the fiercely anti-Trump left-wing media -- CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, Washington Post, New York Times, etc. -- is too afraid to mention the Rubio-Little Havana hold on Trump, a vital cog in the U. S. democracy, journalism, has let Americans down by becoming pundit-driven propaganda forums as opposed to real journalists collecting and dispensing news!!

With Rubio minions like John Bolton calling the regime-change shots and pointing out the targets, the question might not be IF but WHEN the next war will start. On Bolton's world map at the White House, you might note that, in the left-center above, the island of Cuba shows up as a TINY speck. But in the White House War Room, Cuba is a HUGE speck.
And to Rubio and Bolton, the island of Cuba looms LARGEST in their gunsights. Recapturing Cuba is Rubio's obsession and as far back as 2002 Bolton was concocting excuses for President George W. Bush to execute a regime-change in Cuba.
The ONLY two "qualifications" Marco Rubio has to dictate Trump's FOREIGN RELATIONS is that Cuba is a FOREIGN COUNTRY and Trump wants Rubio and Little Havana in Miami to deliver Florida's crucial electoral votes to his reelection campaign.